Crop yield forecasting is a vital tool to support stakeholders and decision-makers in preparing for potential yield deficiencies. Most crop yield forecasts so far have been implemented on a regional to national scale. Field-scale forecasts can add vital information for farmers and insurers but still have much potential to improve. Especially the increasing availability of high-resolution climate data from sources such as Copernicus Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3 data, and Proba-V can significantly improve such forecasts.
List of all project results will be uploaded.
Contact: Wouter Dorigo
Tasks: Scientific requirement consolidation, development and validation, scientific roadmap, management
Contact: Miroslav Trnka
Tasks: Transferring science results into solutions for society, dataset collection, project database completion, promotion and coordination, science case studies
Location: Větrný Jeníkov
Location: Zoom meeting
Research Unit of Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing
Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (GEO)
TU Wien E120-08
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8
1040 Vienna